Total Data Protection


Customer data, lists and transactions. Employees’ personal information. Financial Records. Intellectual Property. As businesses take advantage of software efficiencies to better manage customer relations, sales, accounting, HR and more, the amount of data stored electronically has grown exponentially. We understand that your company’s data is important and it’s critical to your business operations and success. With Total Data Protection, we protect your data at multiple levels and have the ability to restore data quickly to get you back in business when a disaster happens.

Enterprise Class Tools for Data Security

Your business might be smaller than a large enterprise, but it deserves the same class of protection. Here are a few of the enterprise software products we use to protect your business.

Acronis - Bitdefender - BitTitan - Breach Secure Now - Compliancy Group - IRONSCALES - Liongard - Microsoft – SentinelOne – StorageCraft - Symantec - TitanHQ - Veeam - Webroot

Monitoring and Management

Monitoring and management is used to be reserved for larger enterprise businesses. However, by engaging MyITadmin LLC you gain access to enterprise class tools used to monitor every aspect of your infrastructure and manage virtually every task that needs to be done from keeping your systems secure with patches and updates to deploying software across your entire organization

Attackers can threaten your data at many entry points including -

  • Individual computers and devices.

  • Network connections.

  • Connectivity past the firewalls and into the Internet.

  • Wireless connections.

You need comprehensive protection

Protection from ransomware – Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts your files or systems and then threatens to delete or publish them online unless you make a financial payment. First line defense against ransomware is a business quality firewall and antivirus to prevent infection. In the event of a successful ransomware attack, Ironscales protects your employees from Phishing attacks with integrated phishing protection for Office 365 and provides training to ensure they can protect themselves. Dropsuite helps insulate you by providing local and cloud based “snapshots” of your data which means you can get your data back without paying the ransomware demand.
World-class antivirus and antispyware – These products help eliminate major categories of online threats. The service also includes an optional Cloud-based malware protection capability.

Business continuity and disaster recovery – No matter the size of your organization, you need these automated tools that frequently BACKUP your entire business infrastructure. Certain solutions will even allow you access to your servers in a matter of minutes.