File sharing and collaboration with MyITadmin LLC can help you eliminate wasted time and production due to technical problems. Avoid creating duplicate files, missing crucial edits and wasting company time. Never worry about backing up a document or getting the most current version of a file. With file sharing, all your data is updated in real-time for everyone in your organization.

Using collaboration tools, you can take your work wherever you need. Files and projects are synced across the cloud allowing you to communicate and work on the go. You can also integrate chat features and task management to help keep your team on the same page.

And includes these great features:

File Collaboration Software:

  • Manage content intuitively.

  • Share large files securely.

  • Sync files on your desktop.

  • View files in your browser.

  • Is cloud-based.

  • Eliminates the need for backup.

  • Allows for simple, multi-site access.

  • No VPN is required, yet it is amazingly secure.

  • Version control included

Anti-virus software from MyITadmin  is constantly updated, keeping you safe from the latest digital attacks and threats. Our virus protection software is easy to use and unobtrusive. Administrators can access the settings and deal with threats from anywhere in the world. Our team of technicians is on call and constantly monitoring threats to help stop them before they happen and quickly eliminate them if they pop up.

  • Powered by a world-leader in security technologies

  • Fast, effective scans that won’t slow down your work

  • Easy web-based setup

  • No on-premise server required

  • Simple, low-cost subscription pricing, with no annual renewals

  • Protection from viruses, malware, spyware, intrusions, spam and more

  • Optional USB storage device lock-out

  • End points are updated automatically and behind the scenes

  • 100% uptime SLA

  • 24/7 Support

Antivirus Protection

If a natural disaster or cyber-attack affected your business and computers tomorrow, do you have a plan for how to respond and get your business and systems back up and running? Recent ransomware attacks encrypted business data and businesses that could recover that data without paying ransoms were better positioned to continue business operations with fewer interruptions and retain customer trust.

Business Continuity planning can completed in four steps:

  1. Business Impact Analysis. Inventory business critical systems and data required to keep your business running and restore it after an emergency.

  2. Recovery Strategies. Are your systems covered by a backup service? Determine if there are any gaps between your current backup plan and your business requirements and actions to mitigate them.

  3. Response Plan. Define what actions to take in an emergency, including who is authorized to initiate the response plan, who to notify, and how to restore business operations. Set notification procedures for any event that compromises customer’s personal or financial data.

  4. Test and Update. Train employees on the response plan and test it. Determine how often the plan should be reviewed and updated.

At a minimum, new employees should receive security training during their onboarding process. This is the ideal time to help them understand their role in keeping company data secure. For existing employees, we recommend annual training to refresh their security knowledge and cover any new trends and threats.

Cybersecurity Training