Total Security




Do you have an up to date and regular business cloud backup system in place? If not, give us a call right now! 60 percent of companies that lose their data shut down within six months of the disaster.

In today’s world, your data security is crucial. We can protect your business data with State of the art solutions!

data backup is our first priority and is taken very seriously – in fact, it’s the first process we implement. Whether it’s a simple hands-off solution or a high-level regulation compliant system, we have the technology and expertise to solve your backup needs.

We offer backup solutions that give you up to 90 days of deletion protection. We regularly test against your backups to ensure your data is completely accurate and secure. We also have the ability to restore your information in just a few hours after a data loss depending on the situation. Every client can receive the following benefits of backup protection.

  • scheduled backups

  • 256-bit or 448-bit encryption

  • 90 days of deletion protection